Reviving Neglected Landscapes: How to Bring Your Garden Back to Life

Have you ever inherited or bought a property with a neglected garden? Or maybe you have neglected maintaining your landscape for a long time and now you want to bring it back to life. If so, you are not alone. Many people face the challenge of restoring a neglected garden, but they don’t know where to start or what to do. In this blog post, we will guide you through the main steps to rejuvenate and restore a neglected garden. You will learn how to assess, clean, amend, plan, plant, and maintain your garden in a way that suits your needs and preferences. By following these steps, you will be able to transform your neglected garden into a beautiful and productive space that you can enjoy for years to come.

Step 1: Take stock of what you already have

The first step to restoring a neglected garden is to take stock of what you already have. This means assessing the current state of your garden and identifying what resources you already have available, such as perennial plants, tools, compost, etc. You want to keep what is valuable and useful, and discard what is not. For example, you may want to keep some healthy and attractive plants that can add color and structure to your garden, such as roses, hydrangeas, or lavender. You may also want to keep some tools that can help you with the restoration process, such as a shovel, a rake, or a wheelbarrow. On the other hand, you may want to discard some plants that are invasive, diseased, or unsightly, such as weeds, dead branches, or old pots. You may also want to discard some tools that are broken, rusty, or outdated, such as a hoe, a spade, or a sprinkler. To help you with this step, you can check out some online resources that offer tips and advice on how to assess your garden and what to keep or discard .

Step 2: Clean up the weeds and brush

The second step to restoring a neglected garden is to clean up the weeds and brush. This means removing unwanted plants and debris from your garden, such as weeds, rocks, trash, dead plants, etc. You want to clear your garden of anything that can compete with your desired plants for space, nutrients, water, and light. You also want to create a clean and tidy environment that is pleasant to look at and work in. To do this, you can use various tools and methods, such as a weed-whacker, pruning shears, or mulching. A weed-whacker can help you cut down tall and thick weeds quickly and easily. Pruning shears can help you trim and shape your existing plants and remove any dead or diseased parts. Mulching can help you cover the soil with organic matter, such as straw, leaves, or wood chips, to suppress weed growth, retain moisture, and improve soil quality. To help you with this step, you can check out some online resources that offer tips and advice on how to clean up your garden and what tools and methods to use.

Step 3: Test and amend your soil

The third step to restoring a neglected garden is to test and amend your soil. This means checking your soil for pH, nutrients, and texture, and adjusting it according to the needs of your plants. You want to make sure your soil is healthy and fertile enough to support plant growth and health. To do this, you can use a soil test kit or send a soil sample to a lab for analysis. A soil test kit can help you measure the pH level of your soil, which indicates how acidic or alkaline it is. Different plants prefer different pH levels, but most plants grow best in a slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6 to 7. A soil sample can help you determine the nutrient content and texture of your soil, which indicate how rich and well-drained it is. Different plants require different amounts of nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, but most plants need a balanced fertilizer with equal proportions of these elements. Different plants also prefer different soil textures, such as sandy, loamy, or clayey, but most plants need a loamy soil that is loose enough to allow air and water circulation but firm enough to hold moisture and nutrients. To help you with this step, you can check out some online resources that offer tips and advice on how to test and amend your soil and what products to use.

Step 4: Plan your garden layout and crops

The fourth step to restoring a neglected garden is to plan your garden layout and crops. This means designing your garden layout based on your space, sun exposure, water availability, and personal preferences. You want to create a garden that is functional and attractive, that suits your needs and tastes. To do this, you can use various tools and methods, such as graph paper, online software, or sketching. Graph paper can help you draw a scaled map of your garden area and mark the dimensions, boundaries, paths, beds, etc. Online software can help you create a virtual model of your garden and experiment with different layouts, plants, colors, etc. Sketching can help you visualize your garden idea and express your creativity. To help you with this step, you can check out some online resources that offer tips and advice on how to plan your garden layout and what tools and methods to use.

You also want to choose your crops based on your climate, season, and soil conditions. You want to select plants that are suitable for your growing zone, that can thrive in the current weather conditions, and that can adapt to the characteristics of your soil.

Step 5: Plant your seeds or seedlings

The fifth step to restoring a neglected garden is to plant your seeds or seedlings. This means preparing your garden beds for planting by loosening the soil, adding mulch, and making rows or holes. You want to create a suitable environment for your seeds or seedlings to germinate and grow. To do this, you can use various tools and methods, such as a fork, a hoe, or a dibber. A fork can help you loosen the soil and break up any clumps or crusts. A hoe can help you make rows or mounds for your seeds or seedlings. A dibber can help you make holes for your seedlings or larger seeds. To help you with this step, you can check out some online resources that offer tips and advice on how to prepare your garden beds and what tools and methods to use.

You also want to plant your seeds or seedlings correctly, such as following the instructions on the seed packets, spacing them properly, and watering them well. You want to ensure that your seeds or seedlings have enough room, moisture, and nutrients to grow and thrive. To do this, you can use various tools and methods, such as a ruler, a watering can, or a fertilizer. A ruler can help you measure the distance between your seeds or seedlings and follow the recommended spacing guidelines. A watering can can help you water your seeds or seedlings gently and evenly without washing them away or drowning them. A fertilizer can help you provide extra nutrients to your seeds or seedlings if needed. To help you with this step, you can check out some online resources that offer tips and advice on how to plant your seeds or seedlings and what tools and methods to use.

Step 6: Maintain your garden regularly

The sixth and final step to restoring a neglected garden is to maintain your garden regularly. This means keeping your garden healthy and productive by performing regular tasks such as watering, weeding, pruning, harvesting, and pest control. You want to protect your garden from any threats or problems that can affect its growth and quality. To do this, you can use various tools and methods, such as a hose, a hand weeder, a pair of scissors, a basket, or a spray bottle. A hose can help you water your plants when the soil feels dry or when the weather is hot and dry. A hand weeder can help you remove any weeds that may compete with your plants for resources or harbor pests or diseases. A pair of scissors can help you prune your plants to remove any dead, damaged, or diseased parts or to shape them as desired. A basket can help you harvest your crops when they are ripe or ready to eat. A spray bottle can help you apply natural remedies to your plants to prevent or treat any pests or diseases. To help you with this step, you can check out some online resources that offer tips and advice on how to maintain your garden and what tools and methods to use.


You have reached the end of this blog post on how to restore a neglected garden. We hope you have learned something useful and interesting from it. Restoring a neglected garden can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience that can improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It can also enhance the beauty and value of your property and the environment. By following the steps we have outlined, you can transform your neglected garden into a thriving and flourishing space that you can be proud of.